WELCOME TO Lotus Kenya Action for Development organization (LOKADO)

Making a Difference, One Act at a Time.

We are community-driven local organization formed by members from Lokichoggio, Oropoi and Kakuma divisions in 2003. The major driving factor was to contribute to addressing the cross border violent conflict experienced among the Turkana pastoralist and their neighbours from Uganda and South Sudan. The organization operated as a CBO until 2007 when it was registered as an NGO with the same name Lokichoggio, Oropoi and Kakuma Development Organization. During this period, the organization had extended her activities to the entire county thus the need to re-brand to remain relevant in the county. Until May 2015,  re-branded to LOKADO

Our Core Values

Human Dignity

We Respect of life and human rights, value of life and justice for all

Social Justice

Non discriminative, good reputation, fair distribution of resources, opportunities and privileges and fair judgment

Equity and Equality

Lokado Believes in Fair distribution of resources, fair judgment, inclusion of the interest groups

We have Various Programs which are; Peace building Choir Kitchen gardens in schools IOM supported LOKADOWarehouse ProjectGender and Protection Assessment

LOKADO and her partners approach the world of peace building and development in various options and angles. There are therefore varied ways in which LOKADO and the partners amicably address issues concerning the targeted beneficiaries..

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Life Impacted

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Project Complete

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Years Experience

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Team Members


LOKADO Mashinani

LOKADO strives to promote, enhance and develop the socio-economic development and infrastructure by working for poverty alleviation improvement on household food security and attainment of cross border peaceful co-existence for better utilization of pastoral resources for sustainable livelihood and social justice and security interventions without arms.

Promoting Environmental Sustainability Through Charcoal Briquettes

As part of our efforts to protect and preserve the environment, we actively promote the use of eco-friendly charcoal briquettes. Through targeted training sessions, we empower communities with the knowledge and skills to produce and utilize these sustainable alternatives to traditional charcoal.

Charcoal briquettes are not only cost-effective but also reduce deforestation by minimizing reliance on wood fuel. By adopting this innovative solution, communities can meet their energy needs while contributing to environmental conservation and combating climate change. This initiative aligns with our commitment to creating sustainable livelihoods and fostering resilience within local populations.

Energy Access

A support from LOKADO,with Funding from BMZ in cooperation with WHH , installation of clean energy institutional cooking stove to learning institutions ( Primary schools) ,Emilait Mixed Primary schools in Turkana West and Kataboi Mixed Primary School in Turkana North.


Kang'agetei farm for crop vegetables, treeseedling propagation & fruit trees 

Peace Building Program

100 Reformed warriors from cross border villages in Kalobeyei and Letea in Turkana West, and Lokiriama Lorengkippi Ward in Lokiriama sun County, have received ksh 2.5 Million to support business start up

Livelihoods project

Distribution of 952 goats to 238 households by LOKADO staff in Turkana South and East sub-counties under the Emergency WASH and Livelihoods project funded by the IOM-UN Migration and The People of Japan . The exercise was witnessed by local leaders and politicians from both the National Assembly and Turkana County Assembly


LOKADO, in collaboration with ACTED staff, is actively engaging the community to identify and target the most vulnerable members who will benefit from a cash transfer program. This initiative is supported by funding from the Norwegian Embassy and ECHO, ensuring that resources reach those most in need.

Empowering Women and Youth through supporting VSLA Group

At the 6th Moru Anayece Peace Commemoration, 223 women and youth from 11 VSLA groups in Loima and Turkana West received KES 4,014,000 (KES 18,000 each) to boost their livelihoods.

The event was attended by H.E. Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai Napotikan, WHH’s Phillip Ewoton, LOKADO’s Executive Director Augustine Kai, and members of the Ateker community from Ethiopia, Uganda, and Kenya.

Governor Napotikan praised LOKADO for its impactful work in livelihoods, peacebuilding, agriculture, cash transfers, and WASH initiatives, highlighting its role in fostering sustainable development and unity.

CApacity Building

Embrace the spirit of change at the LOKADO office in Kakuma! We're not just talking about it, Together with the MCA Region, we are stepping into a green future and demonstrating our environmental commitment.


Hand Over of IT Equipments for Agro Biodiversity to Community Based Organizations presided over by Lokado executive Director.

Upcoming Events

The Just giving charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. Our upcoming event
Start: July 31, 2024
End: July 31, 2024

Tree Planting


Meet with Our Leadership

People are constantly trying to find inspiration on all sorts of mediums and sources. While some turn to music, others might find the encouragement from a simple quote.  Lokado  management team incorporate teamwork into our culture, creating the building blocks for success

Augustine Kai Lopie

Executive Director

Janet Atenge

Finance Manager

Truphena Ekasiron

HR Manager

Vernon Yeye

MEAL Officer

Gerald Ndungu

Humanitarian Manager


Let’s See Some of Our Latest Projects

Offer a platform and opportunities for partnership with our supporters, communities, consortiums and positive strategic alliances in pursuit of sustainable development, social stability and prosperous economy


In Atiir village, Turkana County, a widowed mother proudly holds her chicken, which she received through a recently concluded project. She shared that her household's eating habits have improved significantly and expressed hope to begin selling chicks once her poultry reproduces. Behind her stands a raised poultry house designed to protect the chickens from predators such as snakes and wild cats, ensuring their safety and sustainability


 Distribution of 952 goats to 238 households by LOKADO staff in Turkana South and East sub-counties under the Emergency WASH and Livelihoods project funded by the IOM - UN Migration and The People of Japan


The Nachukui Farmers Group, supported by LOKADO, received 74 chicks and has successfully raised and cared for them. The chickens are now laying eggs, providing a steady supply for both sale and household consumption, significantly improving the group’s livelihoods and food security.


A vibrant and sustaining institution that promotes a peaceful and just society built on people-driven means

We exist to promote sustainable livelihoods and peaceful co-existence through peace and development, building resilience and service delivery

Key Strategic Directions

Attainment of peace, unity and prosperity through sports and dividend projects within and across borders.

Still Confused About Our Programs? Get In Touch

LOKADO and her partners approach the world of peace building and development in various options and angles. There are therefore varied ways in which LOKADO and the partners amicably address issues concerning the targeted beneficiaries.

Our Partners


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